Performance metrics are displayed in different types of charts, depending on the metric type and object.

Table 1. Performance Chart Types
Chart Type Description
Line chart Displays metrics for a single inventory object. The data for each performance counter is plotted on a separate line in the chart. For example, a network chart for a host can contain two lines: one showing the number of packets received, and one showing the number of packets transmitted.
Bar chart Displays storage metrics for datastores in a selected data center. Each datastore is represented as a bar in the chart. Each bar displays metrics based on the file type: virtual disks, snapshots, swap files, and other files.
Pie chart Displays storage metrics for a single object, based on the file types, or virtual machines. For example, a pie chart for a datastore can display the amount of storage space occupied by the virtual machines taking up the largest space.
Stacked chart

Displays metrics for the child objects that have the highest statistical values. All other objects are aggregated, and the sum value is displayed with the term Other. For example, a host's stacked CPU usage chart displays CPU usage metrics for the 10 virtual machines on the host that are consuming the most CPU. The Other amount contains the total CPU usage of the remaining virtual machines.

The metrics for the host itself are displayed in separate line charts.

Stacked charts are useful in comparing the resource allocation and usage across multiple hosts or virtual machines. By default, the 10 child objects with the highest data counter values are displayed.