Narrow the range of packets that you monitor by using the pktcap-uw utility to apply filtering options for source and destination address, VLAN, VXLAN, and next level protocol consuming the packet payload.

Filter Options

The filter options for pktcap-uw are valid when you capture and trace packets. For information about the command syntax of the pktcap-uw utility, see pktcap-uw Command Syntax for Capturing Packets and pktcap-uw Command Syntax for Tracing Packets.

Table 1. Filter Options of the pktcap-uw Utility
Option Description
--srcmac mac_address Capture or trace packets that have a specific source MAC address. Use colons to separate the octets in it.
--dstmac mac_address Capture or trace packets that have a specific destination MAC address. Use colons to separate the octets in it.
--mac mac_address Capture or trace packets that have a specific source or destination MAC address. Use colons to separate the octets in it.
--ethtype 0xEthertype

Capture or trace packets at Layer 2 according to the next level protocol that consumes packet payload.

EtherType corresponds to the EtherType field in Ethernet frames . It represents the type of next level protocol that consumes the payload of the frame.

For example, to monitor traffic for the Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) protocol, type --ethtype 0x88CC.

--vlan VLAN_ID Capture or trace packets that belong to a VLAN.
--srcip IP_addess|IP_address/subnet_range Capture or trace packets that have a specific source IPv4 address or subnet.
--dstip IP_addess|IP_address/subnet_range Capture or trace packets that have a specific destination IPv4 address or subnet.
--ip IP_addess Capture or trace packets that have a specific source or destination IPv4 address.
--proto 0xIP_protocol_number

Capture or trace packets at Layer 3 according to the next level protocol that consumes the payload.

For example, to monitor traffic for the UDP protocol, type --proto 0x11.

--srcport source_port Capture or trace packets according to their source TCP port.
--dstport destination_port Capture or trace packets according to their destination TCP port.
--tcpport TCP_port Capture or trace packets according to their source or destination TCP port.
--vxlan VXLAN_ID Capture or trace packets that belong to a VXLAN.

The vertical bars | represent alternative values.