Auto Deploy privileges control who can perform different tasks on Auto Deploy rules, and who can associate a host. Auto Deploy privileges also allow you to control who can create or edit an image profile.

The table describes privileges that determine who can manage Auto Deploy rules and rule sets and who can create and edit image profiles. See vCenter Server Installation and Setup.

You can set this privilege at different levels in the hierarchy. For example, if you set a privilege at the folder level, you can propagate the privilege to one or more objects within the folder. The object listed in the Required On column must have the privilege set, either directly or inherited.

Table 1. Auto Deploy Privileges
Privilege Name Description Required On
Auto Deploy.Host.AssociateMachine

Allows users to associate a host with a machine.

vCenter Server
Auto Deploy.Image Profile.Create Allows creation of image profiles. vCenter Server
Auto Deploy.Image Profile.Edit Allows editing of image profiles. vCenter Server
Auto Deploy.Rule.Create Allows creation of Auto Deploy rules. vCenter Server
Auto Deploy.Rule.Delete Allows deletion of Auto Deploy rules. vCenter Server
Auto Deploy.Rule.Edit Allows editing of Auto Deploy rules. vCenter Server
Auto Deploy.RuleSet.Activate Allows activation of Auto Deploy rule sets. vCenter Server
Auto Deploy.RuleSet.Edit Allows editing of Auto Deploy rule sets. vCenter Server