Use the esxcli command to obtain information about the locking mechanism that a VMFS datastore uses.


Install vCLI or deploy the vSphere Management Assistant (vMA) virtual machine. See Getting Started with vSphere Command-Line Interfaces. For troubleshooting, run esxcli commands in the ESXi Shell.


  • To display information related to VMFS locking mechanisms, run the following command:
    esxcli storage vmfs lockmode list


The table lists items that the output of the command might include.
Table 1. VMFS Locking Information
Fields Values Descriptions
Locking Modes Indicates the locking configuration of the datastore.
ATS-only The datastore is configured to use the ATS-only locking mode.
ATS+SCSI The datastore is configured to use the ATS mode. If ATS fails or is not supported, the datastore can revert to SCSI.
ATS upgrade pending The datastore is in the process of an online upgrade to the ATS-only mode.
ATS downgrade pending The datastore is in the process of an online downgrade to the ATS+SCSI mode.
ATS Compatible Indicates whether the datastore can be or cannot be configured for the ATS-only mode.
ATS Upgrade Modes Indicates the type of upgrade that the datastore supports.
None The datastore is not ATS-only compatible.
Online The datastore can be used during its upgrade to the ATS-only mode.
Offline The datastore cannot be used during its upgrade to the ATS-only mode.
ATS Incompatibility Reason If the datastore is not compatible with ATS-only, the item indicates the reason for the incompatibility.