View an independent hardware iSCSI adapter and verify that it is correctly installed and ready for configuration.

After you install an independent hardware iSCSI adapter on a host, it appears on the list of storage adapters available for configuration. You can view its properties.


Required privilege: Host.Configuration.Storage Partition Configuration


  1. Navigate to the host.
  2. Click the Configure tab.
  3. Under Storage, click Storage Adapters.
    If installed, the hardware iSCSI adapter appears on the list of storage adapters.
  4. Select the adapter to view.
    The default details for the adapter appear.
    Adapter Information Description
    Model Model of the adapter.
    iSCSI Name Unique name formed according to iSCSI standards that identifies the iSCSI adapter. You can edit the iSCSI name.
    iSCSI Alias A friendly name used instead of the iSCSI name. You can edit the iSCSI alias.
    IP Address Address assigned to the iSCSI HBA.
    Targets Number of targets accessed through the adapter.
    Devices All storage devices or LUNs the adapter can access.
    Paths All paths the adapter uses to access storage devices.