The VMware Tools pane provides information whether the current version of VMware Tools is installed, supported, or whether upgrades are available.

Table 1. VMware Tools Status
VMware Tools Status Description
Up to Date VMware Tools is installed, supported, and the version is compliant.
VMware Tools is installed, supported, and the version is newer than the version available on the ESXihost.
Upgrade Available VMware Tools is installed, but the version is too old.
VMware Tools is installed and supported, but a newer version is available on the ESXi host.
Version Unsupported VMware Tools is installed, but the version is too old.
VMware Tools is installed, but the version has a known issue and must be immediately upgraded.
VMware Tools is installed, but the version is too new to work correctly with this virtual machine.
Not Installed VMware Tools is not installed on this virtual machine.
Guest Managed VMware Tools is not managed by vSphere.
Unknown The virtual machine is not scanned.