The Upgrade Details window presents information about a specific upgrade you select.

Table 1. Host Upgrade Details Window
Option Description
Baseline Name Name of the upgrade baseline.
Baseline Type The baseline type is host upgrade.
Baseline Description Description of the baseline. If the baseline has no description, it is not displayed.
Compliance State Compliance status for the upgrade. It represents a comparison between the state of the selected object and the upgrade baseline.
ESXi image Displays the ESXi image included in the baseline.
Product Displays the release version of the upgrade.
Version Target version of the upgrade baseline.
Vendor Vendor that provided the ESXi image.
Acceptance level Acceptance level of the ESXi image and included software packages. ESXi images can be either Signed or Unsigned, indicating their level of acceptance by VMware.

Software packages included in ESXi images have the following acceptance levels:

VMware Certified
The package has gone through a rigorous certification program that verifies the functionality of the feature, and is signed by VMware with a private key. VMware provides customer support for these packages.
VMware Accepted
The package has gone through a less rigorous acceptance test program that only verifies that the package does not destabilize the system, and is signed by VMware with a private key. The test regimen does not validate the proper functioning of the feature. VMware support will hand off support calls directly to the partner.
Partner Supported
The partner has signed an agreement with VMware and has demonstrated a sound test methodology. VMware provides a signed private/public key pair to the partner to use for self-signing their packages. VMware support will hand off support calls directly to the partner.
Community Supported
The package is either unsigned, or signed by a key that is not cross-signed by VMware. VMware does not provide support for the package. For support, customers must either utilize the community or contact the author of the package.
Table 2. VMware Tools and Virtual Machine Hardware Upgrade Details Window
Option Description
Baseline Name Name of the upgrade baseline.
Baseline Type Type of the baseline. The values can be VMware Tools upgrade or virtual machine hardware upgrade.
Baseline Description Description of the baseline.
Compliance State Compliance status for the upgrade. It represents a comparison between the state of the selected object and the upgrade baseline.
VMware Tools Status Status of VMware Tools on the machine.
Current Hardware Version Hardware version of the virtual machine.
Target Hardware Version Target hardware version of the virtual machine.