When you create a patch or extension baseline, you can filter the patches and extensions available in the Update Manager repository to find specific patches and extensions to exclude or include in the baseline.


  1. In the New Baseline wizard, click Advanced.
    • If you are creating a fixed patch baseline, on the Patches page, click Advanced.
    • If you are creating a dynamic patch baseline, on the Patches to Exclude or Additional Patches page, click Advanced.
    • If you are creating a host extension baseline, on the Extensions page, click Advanced.
  2. On the Filter Patches or Filter Extensions page, specify the criteria to define the patches or extensions to include or exclude.
    Option Description
    Patch Vendor Specifies which patch or extension vendor to use.

    Restricts the set of patches or extensions to the selected products or operating systems.

    The asterisk at the end of a product name is a wildcard character for any version number.

    Severity Specifies the severity of patches or extensions to include.
    Category Specifies the category of patches or extensions to include.
    Release Date Specifies the range for the release dates of the patches or extensions.
    Text Restricts the patches or extensions to those containing the text that you enter.
    The relationship between these fields is defined by the Boolean operator AND.
  3. Click Find.


The patches or extensions in the New Baseline wizard are filtered with the criteria that you specified.