To upgrade an instance of Update Manager that is installed on a 64-bit machine, you must first upgrade vCenter Server to a compatible version.

The Update Manager 6.7 release allows upgrades from Update Manager 6.0 or later.



  1. Upgrade vCenter Server to a compatible version.
    Note: The vCenter Server installation wizard warns you that Update Manager is not compatible when vCenter Server is upgraded.
    If prompted, you must restart the machine that is running vCenter Server. Otherwise, you might not be able to upgrade Update Manager.
  2. In the software installer directory, double-click the autorun.exe file and select vSphere Update Manager > Server.
    If you cannot run autorun.exe, browse to the UpdateManager folder and run VMware-UpdateManager.exe.
  3. Select a language for the installer and click OK.
  4. In the upgrade warning message, click OK.
  5. Review the Welcome page and click Next.
  6. Read and accept the license agreement, and click Next.
  7. Review the support information, select whether to download updates from the default download sources immediately after installation, and click Next.

    If you deselect Download updates from default sources immediately after installation, Update Manager downloads updates once daily according to the default download schedule or immediately after you click Download Now on the Download Settings page. You can modify the default download schedule after the installation is complete.

  8. Type the vCenter Server system credentials and click Next.
    To keep the Update Manager registration with the original vCenter Server system valid, keep the vCenter Server system IP address and enter the credentials from the original installation.
  9. Type the database password for the Update Manager database and click Next.
    The database password is required only if the DSN does not use Windows NT authentication.
  10. On the Database Upgrade page, select Yes, I want to upgrade my Update Manager database and I have taken a backup of the existing Update Manager database, and click Next.
  11. (Optional) On the Database re-initialization warning page, select to keep your existing remote database if it is already upgraded to the latest schema.
    If you replace your existing database with an empty one, you lose all of your existing data.
  12. Specify the Update Manager port settings, select whether you want to configure the proxy settings, and click Next.
    Configure the proxy settings if the computer on which Update Manager is installed has access to the Internet.
  13. (Optional) Provide information about the proxy server and port, specify whether the proxy should be authenticated, and click Next.
  14. Click Install to begin the upgrade.
  15. Click Finish.


You upgraded the Update Manager server.