Update Manager displays events that help you monitor the processes that the system is completing.

Table 1. Update Manager Events
Type Message Text Action
Info Successfully downloaded host patch definitions. New patches: number_of_patches.  
Error Could not download host patch definitions. Check your network connection to make sure that your metadata source is reachable.
Info Successfully downloaded host patch packages. New packages: number_of_packages.  
Error Could not download host patch packages. Check your network connection to make sure that your patch source is reachable.
Info Successfully downloaded notifications. New notifications: number_of_notifications.
Error Could not download notifications. Check your network connection.
Info Successfully scanned vSphere_object_name.  
Info Scanning object vSphere_object_name.
Error Scanning of vSphereHost upgrade in progress: Migrating ESX v3 configuration to ESX v4 vSphere_object_name is canceled by user.  
Error Could not scan vSphere_object_name. Check the Update Manager log (vmware-vum-server-log4cpp.log) for scan errors.
Warning Found a missing patch: patch_name when scanning vSphere_object_name. Re-downloading patch definitions might resolve this problem.  
Info Successfully scanned vSphere_object_name for VMware Tools upgrades.
Error Could not scan vSphere_object_name for VMware Tools upgrades.
Warning VMware Tools is not installed on vSphere_object_name. VMware vSphere Update Manager supports upgrading only an existing VMware Tools installation.
Warning VMware Tools upgrade scan was not performed on virtual_machine_name. VMware Tools upgrade scan is supported only for VMs that run on ESXi 6.0 and later.
Warning VMware Tools upgrade was not performed on virtual_machine_name. VMware Tools upgrade is supported only for VMs that run on ESXi 6.0 and later.
Error Could not scan virtual_machine_name because the virtual machine has an invalid connection state: virtual_machine_connection_state. Check the state of the virtual machine. Reboot the virtual machine to facilitate scanning.
Error Could not scan host_name because the host has an invalid connection state: host_connection_state. Check the state of the host. Reboot the host to facilitate scanning.
Info Remediation succeeded for vSphere_object_name.  
Info Remediating object vSphere_object_name.
Error Remediation did not succeed for vSphere_object_name. Check the Update Manager log (vmware-vum-server-log4cpp.log) for remediation errors.
Info VMware Tools upgrade succeeded for vSphere_object_name.
Error VMware Tools upgrade did not succeed for vSphere_object_name.
Info Successfully enabled the option for VMware Tools upgrade on VM power cycle for virtual_machine_name.
Error Could not enable the option for VMware Tools upgrade on VM power cycle for virtual_machine_name.
Info Successfully disabled the option for VMware Tools upgrade on VM power cycle for virtual_machine_name.
Error Could not disable the option for VMware Tools upgrade on VM power cycle for virtual_machine_name.
Error Could not remediate virtual_machine_name because the virtual machine has an invalid connection state: virtual_machine_connection_state. Check the virtual machine’s state. Restart the virtual machine to facilitate remediation.
Error Could not remediate host_name because the host has an invalid connection state: host_connection_state. Check the state of the host. Restart the host to facilitate remediation.
Info Staging succeeded for vSphere_object_name.
Error Staging did not succeed for vSphere_object_name, error_message.
Info Staging patches to host host_name.
Error Could not stage patches to host_name because the host has an invalid connection state: host_connection_state.
Error Scan or remediation is not supported on vSphere_object_name because of unsupported or unknown OS: operating_system_name.  
Info VMware vSphere Update Manager download alert (critical/total): ESX data.esxCritical/data.esxTotal. Provides information about the number of patches downloaded.
Info VMware vSphere Update Manager notification download alert
Info VMware vSphere Update Manager recall alert
Info VMware vSphere Update Manager recall fix alert
Info VMware vSphere Update Manager informative notification (moderate) alert
Info VMware vSphere Update Manager informative notification (important) alert
Info VMware vSphere Update Manager informative notification (critical) alert
Error Could not scan virtual_machine_name because host host_name is of unsupported version host_version. For the latest information on which virtual machines can be scanned, see the release notes.
Error Could not remediate virtual_machine_name because host host_name is of unsupported version host_version. For the latest information on which hosts can be scanned, see the release notes.
Error Could not scan host_name for patches because it is of unsupported version host_version. For the latest information on which ESXi hosts can be scanned, see the release notes.
Error Could not stage patches to host_name because it is of unsupported version host_version. You can stage patches to hosts that are running ESXi 5.0 or later.
Error Could not remediate host_name because it is of unsupported version host_version. For the latest information on which ESXi hosts can be remediated, see the release notes.
Error There is no VMware vSphere Update Manager license for vSphere_object_name for the required operation. Obtain the required licenses to complete the desired task.
Warning VMware vSphere Update Manager is running out of storage space. Location: path_location. Available space: free_space. Add more storage.
Warning VMware vSphere Update Manager is critically low on storage space! Location: path_location. Available space: free_space. Add more storage.
Error An unknown internal error occurred during the required operation on virtual_machine_name. Check the logs for more details and retry the operation.  
Error Could not install patches on vSphere_object_name.  
Info Installation of patches patch_ID started on host host_name.  
Info Installation of patches patch_ID succeeded on host_name.
Info The following additional patches are included to resolve a conflict for installation on vSphere_object_name: message.
Info To resolve a conflict for installation on vSphere_object_name, the following additional patches might need to be included in the baseline: message.
Info VMware vSphere Update Manager could not find patches to resolve the conflict for installation on vSphere_object_name.
Info Installation of patches succeeded on vSphere_object_name.
Info Start rebooting host host_name.
Info Waiting for host host_name to reboot.
Info Host host_name is successfully rebooted.
Error Cannot reboot host host_name.
Error Cannot stage patch patch_name to host_name.
Info Staging of patch to host_name succeeded.
Info Started staging of patches patch_IDs on host_name.
Info Sysprep settings are restored.  
Info Sysprep is disabled during the remediation.  
Info Could not scan orphaned VM virtual_machine_name.  
Info Could not remediate orphaned VM virtual_machine_name.  
Error Could not download patch packages for following patches: message. Check your network connections to make sure that your patch source is reachable.
Warning virtual_machine_name contains an unsupported volume volume_label. Scan results for this VM might be incomplete.  
Info Canceling task on vSphere_object_name.  
Warning There are running tasks for the entity vSphere_object_name that cannot finish within a specific time. The operation will stop.  
Warning Action is not supported for Linux VM virtual_machine_name. VMware Tools is not installed or the machine cannot start.
Info Open vSphere_object_name firewall ports.  
Info Close vSphere_object_name firewall ports.  
Info Patch definitions for vSphere_object_name are missing. Download patch definitions first.  
Info Patch definition for vSphere_object_name is corrupt. Check the logs for more details. Re-downloading patch definitions might resolve this problem.  
Info Host upgrade in progress: Clearing partitions.
Info Host upgrade in progress: Partitioning physical hard drives.
Info Host upgrade in progress: Partitioning virtual hard drives.
Info Host upgrade in progress: Mounting file systems.
Info Host upgrade in progress: Installing packages.
Info Host upgrade in progress: Migrating ESXi v3 configuration to ESXi v4.
Info Host upgrade in progress: Installing network configuration.
Info Host upgrade in progress: Setting timezone.
Info Host upgrade in progress: Setting keyboard.
Info Host upgrade in progress: Setting language.
Info Host upgrade in progress: Configuring authentication.
Info Host upgrade in progress: Setting root password.
Info Host upgrade in progress: Boot setup.
Info Host upgrade in progress: Running postinstallation script.
Info Host upgrade installer completed.
Error Host upgrade installer stopped.
Info Host upgrade in progress.
Error Host version host_version is not supported for upgrade.
Error The host cannot be upgraded due to incompatible partition layout.
Error Upgrade requires at least disk_sizeMB free space on root partition, only disk_sizeMB found.
Error Upgrade requires at least disk_sizeMB free space on bootbank, only disk_sizeMB found.
Error Upgrade requires at least disk_sizeMB free space on VMFS datastore, only disk_sizeMB found.
Warning Insufficient memory found on the host: memory_sizeMB required, memory_sizeMB found.
Error Error in ESX configuration file configuration_file.
Error The passwords cannot be migrated because the password encryption scheme is incompatible.
Warning Unsupported devices found on the host.
Warning The software modules modules found on the host are not part of the upgrade image. These modules will be removed during upgrade.
Warning Cisco Nexus 1000v vNetwork Distributed Switch feature installed on the host will be removed during upgrade.
Warning Cisco Nexus 1000v vNetwork Distributed Switch software package package_name in the upgrade image is incompatible with the Cisco Nexus 1000v software package package_name installed on the host. Upgrading the host will remove the feature from the host.
Warning There is no Cisco Nexus 1000v vNetwork Distributed Switch software package in the upgrade image. Upgrading the host will remove the feature from the host.
Warning Cisco Nexus 1000v vNetwork Distributed Switch software package package_name in the upgrade image is incompatible with the Cisco Nexus 1000v VSM managing the vDS. Upgrading the host will remove the feature from the host.
Warning There is no Cisco Nexus 1000v vNetwork Distributed Switch software package in the upgrade image that is compatible with the Cisco Nexus 1000v VSM managing the vDS. Upgrading the host will remove the feature from the host.
Warning EMC PowerPath module module installed on the host will be removed during upgrade.
Error Upgrade precheck script error.
Info Successfully scanned vSphere_object_name for Virtual Hardware upgrades.
Error Could not scan vSphere_object_name for Virtual Hardware upgrades.
Error Virtual Hardware upgrade did not succeed for virtual_machine_name, because VMware Tools is not the latest version. To upgrade virtual hardware, VMware Tools must be the latest version.
Error Virtual Hardware upgrade did not succeed for virtual_machine_name, because VMware Tools state is unknown. To upgrade virtual hardware, VMware Tools must be the latest version.
Error Virtual Hardware upgrade did not succeed for virtual_machine_name, because VMware Tools is not installed. To upgrade virtual hardware, VMware Tools must be the latest version.
Error Virtual Hardware upgrade did not succeed for virtual_machine_name, because VMware Tools state is not managed by VMware vSphere. To upgrade virtual hardware, VMware Tools must be the latest version.

Virtual Hardware upgrade scan was not performed for virtual_machine_name. Virtual Hardware upgrade scan is supported only for VMs that run on ESXi 6.0 hosts and later.

Warning Virtual Hardware upgrade was not performed for virtual_machine_name. Virtual Hardware upgrade is supported only for VMs that run on ESXi 6.0 and later.
Info Virtual Hardware upgrade succeeded for vSphere_object_name.
Error Could not perform Virtual Hardware upgrade on vSphere_object_name.
Error VM virtual_machine_name has either VMware vSphere Update Manager or VMware vCenter Server installed. This VM will be ignored for scan and remediation. Virtual machines on which Update Manager or vCenter Server is installed are not scanned or remediated.
Error The host host_name has a VM virtual_machine_name with VMware vSphere Update Manager or VMware vCenter Server installed. The VM must be moved to another host for the remediation to proceed. If a virtual machine on which Update Manager or vCenter Server is installed is on a host that is going to be remediated, the virtual machine is migrated to another host.
Error Error while waiting for VMware Tools to respond. Verify that VMware Tools is running in VM virtual_machine_name.
Error The version of VMware Tools installed in virtual_machine_name does not support automatic upgrade. Upgrade VMware Tools manually.
Info Suspended VM virtual_machine_name has been skipped.
Warning Cannot remediate host host_name because it is a part of a VMware DPM enabled cluster. Update Manager does not remediate hosts in clusters with enabled VMware DPM. Disable VMware DPM.
Warning Cannot scan host host_name because it is a part of a VMware DPM enabled cluster. Update Manager does not scan hosts in clusters with enabled VMware DPM. Disable VMware DPM.
Warning Cannot stage host host_name because it is a part of a VMware DPM enabled cluster. Update Manager does not stage patches to hosts in clusters with enabled VMware DPM. Disable VMware DPM.
Warning Cannot remediate host host_name because it is a part of a HA admission control enabled cluster. Update Manager does not remediate hosts in clusters with enabled HA admission control. Disable HA admission control.
Warning Cannot remediate host host_name because it contains one or more Primary or Secondary VMs on which FT is enabled. Update Manager does not remediate hosts in clusters on which virtual machines are with enabled FT. Disable FT.
Warning Cannot remediate host host_name because it is a part of a VMware DPM enabled cluster and contains one or more Primary or Secondary VMs on which FT is enabled. Update Manager does not remediate hosts in clusters with enabled VMware DPM and hosts on which virtual machines are with enabled FT. Disable VMware DPM and FT.
Warning Host host_name has FT enabled VMs. If you apply different patches to hosts in a cluster, FT cannot be re-enabled. Update Manager does not remediate hosts in clusters on which virtual machines are with enabled FT. Disable FT.
Warning Host host_name has FT enabled VMs. The host on which the Secondary VMs reside is not selected for remediation. As a result FT cannot be re-enabled. Update Manager does not remediate hosts in clusters on which virtual machines are with enabled FT. Disable FT.
Warning Host host_name is a PXE booted ESXi host. Scanning, staging, and remediation are not supported on PXE booted ESXi hosts of version 4.x.
Warning Host host_name is a PXE booted ESXi 5.0 host. You did not enable remediation of this host. You can enable remediation for PXE booted ESXi hosts of version 5.0.
Warning Cannot remediate host host_name because it has VMs with a connected removable device. Disconnect all removable devices before remediation. Update Manager does not remediate hosts in clusters on which the virtual machines are with connected removable devices such as CD/DVD or floppy drives. Disconnect any removable devices from the virtual machines on a host.
Error Cannot remediate host host_name because it cannot enter maintenance mode.
Error Cannot remediate host host_name because it cannot enter maintenance mode reason.
Error Cannot migrate VM virtual_machine_name from source_host_name to destination_host_name. If virtual machines cannot be migrated with vMotion, and the host cannot enter maintenance mode, Update Manager does not remediate the host.
Error Cannot enable FT for VM virtual_machine_name on host host_name.
Error Cannot disable FT for VM virtual_machine_name on host host_name. Update Manager does not scan, stage, or remediate hosts on which virtual machines are with enabled FT.
Error Cannot check compatibility of the VM virtual_machine_name for migration with vMotion to host host_name.
Error VMware vSphere Update Manager could not restore HA admission control/DPM settings for cluster cluster_name to their original values. These settings have been changed for patch installation. Check the cluster settings and restore them manually.
Error VMware vSphere Update Manager could not restore initial Fault Tolerance state of one or more virtual machines. Check the Fault Tolerance settings and restore them manually.
Error VMware vSphere Update Manager could not restore the original power state for all VMs in cluster cluster_name. These settings have been changed for patch installation. You can manually restore the original power state of the VMs.
Error VMware vSphere Update Manager could not restore the original removable device connection settings for all VMs in cluster cluster_name. These settings have been changed for patch installation. You can manually restore the settings for the VMs.
Error Cannot deploy upgrade agent on host.
Error Unable to verify host reboot. To complete the upgrade reboot the host host_name manually. Reboot the host.
Error Cannot run upgrade script on host.
Error Host patch patch_name conflicts with patch patch_name included in the baseline and cannot be staged. Remove either of the patch from the baseline and retry the stage operation. Remove one of the conflicting patches and retry the stage operation.
Error Host patch patch_name conflicts with the package package_name installed on the host and cannot be staged. Remove the patch from the baseline or include any suggested additional patches in the baseline and retry stage operation. Remove the conflicting patch from the baseline and retry the stage
Error Host patch patch_name conflicts with patch patch_name included in the baseline and cannot be remediated. Remove either of the patch from the baseline and retry the remediation. Remove one of the conflicting patches from the baseline and retry the remediation.
Error Host patch patch_name conflicts with the package package_name installed on the host and cannot be remediated. Remove the patch from the baseline or include any suggested additional patches in the baseline and retry remediation operation. Remove the conflicting patch from the baseline and retry the remediation.
Info Package package_name is successfully imported.
Error Import of package: package_name did not succeed.
Info number_bulletins new bulletins uploaded successfully through offline bundle.
Error Host patch offline bundle upload did not succeed.
Info Host patch offline bundle upload is canceled by user.
Info Scanning, remediation, and staging are not supported on PXE booted ESXi hosts.
Error Cannot remediate the host because the removable devices cannot be disconnected from the VMs that are running on the host.
Error PXE booted ESXi host host_name is supported for staging and remediation.
Warning Patch patch_name was excluded from the stage operation because its prerequisite prerequisite_name is neither installed on the host nor included in the baseline. Include the prerequisites in a Patch or Extension baseline and retry the stage operation. You can also add the baselines to a baseline group for convenience and perform the stage operation. Include the prerequisites in a Patch or Extension baseline and retry the stage operation.
Warning Patch patch_name was excluded from the remediation because its prerequisite prerequisite_name is neither installed on the host nor included in the baseline. Include the prerequisites in a Patch or Extension baseline and retry the remediation. You can also add the baselines to a baseline group for convenience and perform the remediation. Include the prerequisites in a Patch or Extension baseline and retry the stage operation.
Error Cannot scan the host host_name because its power state is state.
Error Cannot stage patches to the host host_name because its power state is state.
Error Cannot remediate the host host_name because its power state is state.
Error Could not scan host host_name because its power state is invalid. The host is in standby mode and the individual VMware DPM settings of the host are set to Disabled or Manual. Power on the host manually.
Error Could not stage patches to host host_name because its power state is invalid. The host is in standby mode and the individual VMware DPM settings of the host are set to Disabled or Manual. Power on the host manually.
Error Could not remediate host host_name because its power state is invalid. The host is in standby mode and the individual VMware DPM settings of the host are set to Disabled or Manual. Power on the host manually.
Info Scanning PXE booted ESXi host host_name.
Warning Staging patches to PXE booted ESXi host host_name. If the host is rebooted prior to remediation of the staged patches, these patches will no longer remain staged and will be lost.
Warning Remediating PXE booted ESXi host host_name. If the host is rebooted prior to updating the image profile associated with the host, the applied patches will longer remain installed and will be lost.
Warning Staging patches whose installation requires a host reboot is not supported on PXE booted ESXi host host_name. Update your image profile.
Warning Remediation of PXE booted ESXi host host_name against patches that require a host reboot is not supported. Remove these patches from the baseline to install the patches that do not require a reboot. To install patches requiring a reboot, update your image profile.
Error Host host_name cannot download files from the VMware vSphere Update Manager patch store. Check the network connectivity and firewall setup, and verify that the host can access the configured patch store.
Error Remediation did not succeed for host_name. The host could not enter maintenance mode.
Error Remediation did not succeed for host_name. The host could not exit maintenance mode.
Error Remediation did not succeed for host_name. The host did not reboot after remediation.
Error Remediation did not succeed for host_name. VMware vSphere Update Manager timed out waiting for the host to reconnect.
Error Remediation did not succeed for host_name. VMware vSphere Update Manager timed out waiting for the host to reconnect after a reboot.
Error Remediation did not succeed for host_name. Restoring the power state or device connection state for one or more virtual machines on the host did not succeed.
Error Remediation did not succeed for host_name. The patch metadata is corrupted. This might be caused by an invalid format of metadata content. You can try to re-download the patches.
Error Remediation did not succeed for host_name. There were errors while downloading one or more software packages. Check the VMware vSphere Update Manager network connectivity settings.
Error Remediation did not succeed for host_name. The host has virtual machines machine with connected removable media devices. This prevents the host from entering maintenance mode. Disconnect the removable devices and try again.
Error The patches selected for remediation on the host host_name depend on other patches that have conflicts.
Error Remediation did not succeed for host_name.