A fixed baseline is a set of patches that do not change as patch availability changes.
- In the vSphere Client, select .
- Navigate to .
Update Manager home appears.
- Click Baselines.
- Click New and select New Baseline.
Create Baseline wizard appears.
- On the Name and description page, enter a name and, optionally, a description of the baseline.
- To create an ESXi patch baseline, select Patch and click Next.
- On the Select Patches Automatically page, disable automatic updates by deselecting the option to automatically update the baseline with patches that match your criteria and click Next.
- On the Select Patches Manually page, select the patches that you want to include in the baseline and click Next.
- On the Summary page, review your selections and click Finish.
The new baseline appears in the baselines list on the Baselines tab.You can attach the baseline to a data center, a cluster, or a host.
What to do next
Attach the baseline to a data center, a cluster, or a host.