You can schedule the remediation process of hosts and virtual machines at a convenient time in the vSphere Web Client and the vSphere Client.

You can schedule a remediation for all hosts or all virtual machines in a container object in the vSphere inventory. You can perform scheduled upgrades of the hosts or virtual machines in a selected container object.

To schedule remediation, you must specify a time for the remediation process.

vCenter Server uses the clock of the vCenter Server host machine for the tasks that you schedule. If you schedule to remediate an ESXi host that is in a different time zone from the time zone of the vCenter Server instance, the scheduled time is in the time zone of the vCenter Server instance and not the ESXi host.

In the vSphere Web Client you navigate to the Scheduled Tasks from the Monitor tab, under Task & Events.

In the vSphere Client the Scheduled Tasks are located under the Configure tab.

You can view all scheduled tasks on a vCenter Server inventory level in both clients or on the same object level they are created on. For example, a scheduled virtual machine remediation is visible on the virtual machine inventory level, but not on a host or cluster level.

You cannot edit existing scheduled remediation tasks, but you can remove a scheduled remediation task and create a new one.

If your vCenter Server system is connected to another vCenter Server by a common vCenter Single Sign-On domain, and if you have installed and registered more than one Update Manager instances, you can create scheduled tasks for each vCenter Server instance. The scheduled tasks that you create are specific only to the Update Manager instance that you specify. Scheduled tasks are not propagated to the other Update Manager instances in the vCenter Single Sign-On domain.