You can configure some of the ways vCenter Server interacts with the user directory server that is configured as an identity source.

For vCenter Server versions before vCenter Server 5.0, these settings apply to an Active Directory associated with vCenter Server. For vCenter Server 5.0 and later, these settings apply to vCenter Single Sign-On identity sources.


Required privilege: Global.Settings


  1. In the vSphere Client, navigate to the vCenter Server instance.
  2. Select the Configure tab.
  3. Under Settings, select General.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Select User directory.
  6. In User directory timeout, type the timeout interval in seconds for connecting to the directory server.
  7. Enable the Query Limit box to set a query limit size.
  8. In Query Limit Size, enter the number of users and groups for which you can associate permissions on the child inventory objects of the vCenter Server system.
    You can associate permissions with users and groups from the Add Permissions dialog box that displays when you click Add permissions in Manage > Permissions for a vSphere inventory object.
  9. Enable the Validation box to have vCenter Server periodically check its known users and groups against the user directory server.
  10. In Validation Period, enter the number of minutes between instances of synchronization.
  11. Click Save.