You can track the license use of your vSphere environment by generating reports for the license use of assets for a certain time period. Assets are hosts, vCenter Server systems, vSAN clusters, and solutions.

You can use the license reporting in vSphere for the following tasks:

  • View statistics about the license use and capacity for all products that have been assigned licenses in vSphere for a certain time period.
  • Export license use reports in CSV format for further analysis and processing.

The License Service takes snapshots of the license use in the vSphere environment every day. A license use snapshot contains data about the current license assignment and use. The license use information that you can view in the license reporting interface contains aggregated statistics from the snapshots that are collected in the period that you select.

The license use reports that you can export in CSV format contain the raw data from the license use snapshots that are collected during the selected period. You can analyze the data from CSV reports by aggregating it with third-party tools or scripts.