Incorrect tagging can lead to replication errors. To avoid these errors, diligently follow best practices when tagging objects.

When working with tags in multiple node situations, expect replication delays between the nodes (generally 30 seconds to 2 minutes depending on your setup). Follow these best practices to avoid replication errors:

  • After creating a tag, if you immediately assign that tag to a local object, assign it from the management node where you created the tag.

  • After creating a tag, if you immediately assign that tag to a remote object, assign it from the management node to which the object is local. Depending on your environment setup, allow for replication time to propagate the new tag before you use the tag.

  • Avoid simultaneously creating categories and tags from different management nodes before categories and tags across nodes can finish the replication process. If duplicate categories or tags are created from different nodes at the same time, the duplicates might not be detected and will appear. If you see these results, manually delete duplicates from one management node.