Use the Synchronize Licenses feature to import license key data from your Customer Connect account to your vSphere environment.


Generate a Products, Licenses, Details, and History report in your Customer Connect account and upload it to vSphere. See Generate a CSV File in Customer Connect.


  1. Click Menu > Administration.
  2. Expand Licensing and click Licenses.
  3. Follow the prompts in the Synchronize Licenses wizard or the Import License Keys Data wizard.
    Client Steps
    vSphere Client
    1. On the Licenses tab, click Synchronize Licenses.

      The Synchronize Licenses wizard opens.

    2. On the Upload import file page, click select a file and browse to the .CSV file that you want to upload in your vSphere environment. Click Next.

      After you upload the .CSV file to your vSphere environment, the system analyzes the data in the file and compares the data to the current license keys information in your vCenter license inventory. Based on the results of the analysis, the system concludes what actions you must perform to update your vCenter license inventory with the current details from your Customer Connect environment.

      Important: Do not open in Microsoft Excel or any other software the .CSV file that you plan to upload to your vCenter license inventory. Upload only the original .CSV file after you generate it in Customer Connect. If you want to preview the report data in the .CSV file, make a copy of the file and preview the copy instead. For information how to preview CSV files, see Using CSV Files.
    3. On the License keys data analysis, review the results from the .CSV file analysis and click Next.

      For information about the types of actions that the system might recommend you to perform based on the .CSV file analysis, see Previewing the Results of the CSV File Analysis.

      If the .csv file contains license keys that are missing from the vCenter license inventory, the system offers you to add those license keys.

    4. (Optional) On the Add license keys page, select license keys to add to vCenter Server license inventory.
      • If your vCenter license inventory contains all license keys in the uploaded .CSV file, click Next.

        If your vCenter license inventory contains all license keys in the uploaded .CSV file, the list on the Add License Keys page is empty.

      • To view license key details, such as account name and number, order number, important dates, and support level, click a license key in the list.
      • To change the license key name, click the license's name in the list and enter a new name for the license key.
    5. (Optional) To remove license keys in your vCenter license inventory that have been combined, split, upgraded, or downgraded in Customer Connect, download the Combined_Split_Upgraded_and_Downgraded_License_Keys.csv report. For information how to manually remove license keys that have been combined, split, upgraded, or downgraded, see Remove License Keys That Have Been Combined, Divided, Upgraded, or Downgraded.
    6. (Optional) To upgrade license keys in your vCenter license inventory that have upgrade keys available in Customer Connect, download the Upgraded_License_Keys.csv report. For information how to manually upgrade your assets, change your license assignments, and remove the upgraded license keys, seeUpgrade License Keys in Your vCenter License Inventory.
    7. On the Ready to complete page, review the import process summary and click Finish.
    vSphere Web Client
    1. On the Licenses tab, click the Import License Keys Data toolbar icon.

      The Import License Keys Data wizard opens.

    2. On the About this feature page, learn about the tasks that you can complete with the wizard and click Next.
    3. On the Upload Import File page of the Import License Keys Data wizard, click Browse and browse to the .CSV file that you want to upload in your vSphere environment. Click Next.

      After you upload the .CSV file to your vSphere environment, the system analyzes the data in the file and compares the data to the current license keys information in your vCenter license inventory. Based on the results of the analysis, the system concludes what actions you must perform to update your vCenter license inventory with the current details from your Customer Connect environment.

      Important: Do not open in Microsoft Excel or any other software the .CSV file that you plan to upload to your vCenter license inventory. Upload only the original .CSV file after you generate it in Customer Connect. If you want to preview the report data in the .CSV file, make a copy of the file and preview the copy instead. For information how to preview CSV files, see Using CSV Files.
    4. On the License keys data analysis, review the results from the .CSV file analysis and click Next.

      For information about the types of actions that the system might recommend you to perform based on the .CSV file analysis, see Previewing the Results of the CSV File Analysis.

      If the .csv file contains license keys that are missing from the vCenter license inventory, the system offers you to add those license keys.

    5. (Optional) On the Add license keys page, select license keys to add to vCenter Server license inventory.
      • If your vCenter license inventory contains all license keys in the uploaded .CSV file, click Next.

        If your vCenter license inventory contains all license keys in the uploaded .CSV file, the list on the Add License Keys page is empty.

      • To view license key details, such as account name and number, order number, important dates, and support level, click a license key in the list.
      • To change the license key name, click the license's name in the list and enter a new name for the license key.
    6. (Optional) To remove license keys in your vCenter license inventory that have been combined, split, upgraded, or downgraded in Customer Connect, download the Combined_Split_Upgraded_and_Downgraded_License_Keys.csv report. For information how to manually remove license keys that have been combined, split, upgraded, or downgraded, see Remove License Keys That Have Been Combined, Divided, Upgraded, or Downgraded.
    7. (Optional) To upgrade license keys in your vCenter license inventory that have upgrade keys available in Customer Connect, download the Upgraded_License_Keys.csv report. For information how to manually upgrade your assets, change your license assignments, and remove the upgraded license keys, seeUpgrade License Keys in Your vCenter License Inventory.
    8. On the Ready to complete page, review the import process summary and click Finish.