API Explorer retrieves available vSphere REST APIs from a selected endpoint to give you information and context around API calls.


  1. From the home sidebar menu, click Developer Center and go to the API Explorer tab.
  2. Using the Select Endpoint drop-down menu, select an endpoint from the environment.
  3. Using the Select API drop-down menu, select an API. The listed APIs are the ones publicly provided by the existing API explorer on the vCenter Server Appliance.
  4. (Optional) You can enter text into the filter text box to filter your results. For example, enter health to get a list of methods related to monitoring the health of the selected API.
  5. To see detailed information about a method, click that method. Click Execute to invoke that method against the live environment.
    Code for the invoked method is produced in the response box.
  6. (Optional) To copy the response code to your clipboard, click Copy JSON. You can download the response code by clicking Download.