Configure SNMP v3 targets to allow the SNMP agent to send SNMP v3 traps.

You can configure a maximum of three SNMP v3 targets, in addition to a maximum of three SNMP v1 or v2c targets.

To configure a target, you must specify a host name or IP address of the system that receives the traps, a user name, a security level, and whether to send traps. The security level can be either none, for no security, auth, for authentication only, or priv, for authentication and privacy.


  1. Access the appliance shell and log in as a user who has the administrator or super administrator role.
    The default user with super administrator role is root.
  2. Run the snmp.set --v3targets command to set up the SNMP v3 target.
    For example, run the following command:
    snmp.set --v3targets hostname@port/userid/secLevel/trap
    The parameters in the command are as follows.
    Parameter Description
    hostname Replace with the host name or IP address of the management system that receives the traps.
    port Replace with the port on the management system that receives the traps. If you do not specify a port, the default port, 161, is used.
    userid Replace with the user name.
    secLevel Replace with either none, auth, or priv to indicate the level of authentication and privacy you have configured. Use auth if you have configured authentication only, priv if you have configured both authentication and privacy, and none if you have configured neither.
  3. (Optional) If the SNMP agent is not enabled, enable it by running the snmp.enable command.
  4. (Optional) To send a test trap to verify that the agent is configured correctly, run the snmp.test command.
    The agent sends a warmStart trap to the configured target.