vCenter Server provides a sample role that allows you to give users or groups privileges to manage content libraries.

Content Library Administrator role is a predefined role that gives a user privileges to monitor and manage a library and its contents.

You can modify the role or use it as an example to create custom roles for specific tasks you want to allow other users to perform.

If a user has this role on a library, that user can perform the following tasks on that library.
  • Create, edit, and delete local or subscribed libraries.
  • Create and delete subscriptions to a local library with publishing enabled.
  • Publish a library or a library item to a subscription.
  • Synchronize a subscribed library and synchronize items in a subscribed library.
  • View the item types supported by the library.
  • Configure the global settings for the library.
  • Import items to a library.
  • Export library items.