Edit a library item to change its name, description or tag properties.

You can edit items only in a local library, regardless of whether it is published or not. Library items in subscribed libraries cannot be modified.

You can edit both VM templates and OVF templates.


Required privileges on the library:
  • Content library.Update library item
  • Content library.Update local library


  1. Navigate to the Content Libraries list.
  2. Open a local library by clicking its name.
  3. Navigate the library item to edit.
    • To edit a template, click the Templates tab.
    • To edit another type of file, click the Other Types tab.
  4. Right-click the item and select your task from the context menu.
    • To edit the description of the item, select Edit Notes.
    • To rename the item, select Rename.
    • To assign a tag to the item, select Tags > Assign Tag.
    • To remove a tag from the item, select Tags > Remove Tag.