You can use esxcli storage nmp psp to manage VMware path selection policy plug-ins included with the VMware NMP and to manage third-party PSPs.

Important: When used with third-party PSPs, the syntax depends on the third-party PSP implementation.

Retrieving PSP Information

The esxcli storage nmp psp generic deviceconfig get and esxcli storage nmp psp generic pathconfig get commands retrieve PSP configuration parameters. The type of PSP determines which command to use.

  • Use nmp psp generic deviceconfig get for PSPs that are set to VMW_PSP_RR, VMW_PSP_FIXED or VMW_PSP_MRU.
  • Use nmp psp generic pathconfig get for PSPs that are set to VMW_PSP_FIXED or VMW_PSP_MRU. No path configuration information is available for VMW_PSP_RR.

To retrieve PSP configuration parameters, use the appropriate command for the PSP.

  • Device configuration information.
    esxcli <conn_options> storage nmp psp generic deviceconfig get --device=<device>
    esxcli <conn_options> storage nmp psp fixed deviceconfig get --device=<device>
    esxcli <conn_options> storage nmp psp roundrobin deviceconfig get --device=<device>
  • Path configuration information.
    esxcli <conn_options> storage nmp psp generic pathconfig get --path=<path>
  • Retrieve the PSP configuration for the specified path.
    esxcli <conn_options> nmp psp pathconfig generic get --path vmhba4:C1:T2:L23

The esxcli storage nmp psp list command shows the list of PSPs on the system and a brief description of each plug-in.

Setting Configuration Parameters for Third-Party Extensions

The esxcli storage nmp psp generic deviceconfig set and esxcli storage nmp psp generic pathconfig set commands support future third-party PSA expansion. The setconfig command sets PSP configuration parameters for those third-party extensions.

Note: The precise results of these commands depend on the third-party extension. See the extension documentation for information.

Use esxcli storage nmp roundrobin setconfig for other path policy configuration. See Customizing Round Robin Setup.

You can run esxcli storage nmp psp generic deviceconfig set --device=<device> to specify PSP information for a device, and esxcli storage nmp psp generic pathconfig set --path=<path> to specify PSP information for a path. For each command, use --config to set the specified configuration string.

Options Description

--config <config_string>

-c <config_string>

Configuration string to set for the device or path specified by --device or --path. See Managing Path Policies.

--device <device>

-d <device>

Device for which you want to customize the path policy.

--path <path>

-p <path>

Path for which you want to customize the path policy.