vicfg-iscsi supports a comprehensive set of options.

Table 1. Options for vicfg-iscsi
Option Suboptions Description
-A --authentication
-c <level>
-m <auth_method> -b
-v <ma_username>
-x <ma_password>
[-i <stor_ip_addr|stor_hostname> [:<portnum>] [-n <iscsi_name>]]
--level <level>
--method <auth_method> --mutual
--mchap_username <ma_username>
--mchap_password <ma_password>
[--ip <stor_ip_addr|stor_hostname> [:<portnum>]
[--name <iscsi_name>]] <adapter_name>
Enables mutual authentication. You must enable authentication before you can enable mutual authentication.
-A --authentication
-c <level>
-m <auth_method>
-u <auth_u_name>
-w <a_password>
[-i <stor_ip_addr|stor_hostname> [:<portnum>] [-n <iscsi_name>]] <adapter_name>
--level <level>
--method <auth_method>
--chap_password <auth_u_name>
--chap_username <chap_password>
[--ip <stor_ip_addr|stor_hostname> [:<portnum>]
[--name <iscsi_name>]] <adapter_name>
Enables authentication using the specified options.
-A --authentication
-l <adapter_name>
--list <adapter_name>
Lists supported authentication methods.
-D --discovery
-a -i <stor_ip_addr|stor_hostname[:<portnum>] <adapter_name>
--add --ip <stor_ip_addr|stor_hostname> [:<portnum>] <adapter_name>
Adds a dynamic discovery address.
-D --discovery
-l <adapter_name>
--list <adapter_name>
Lists dynamic discovery addresses.
-D --discovery
-r -i <stor_ip_addr|stor_hostname>[:<portnum>] <adapter_name>
--remove --ip <stor_ip_addr|stor_hostname> [:<portnum>] <adapter_name>
Removes a dynamic discovery address.
-l [<adapter_name>]
--list [<adapter_name>]
Lists all iSCSI adapters or a specified adapter.
-L --lun
-l <adapter_name>
--list <adapter_name>
Lists LUN information.
-L --lun
-l -t <target_ID> <adapter_name>
--list --target_id <target_id> <adapter_name>
Lists LUN information for a specific target.
-N --network (Independent hardware iSCSI only)
-l <adapter_name>
--list <adapter_name>
Lists network properties.
-N --network (Independent hardware iSCSI only)
-i <ip_addr> <adapter_name>
--ip <ip_addr> <vmhba>
Sets the HBA IPv4 address to ip_addr.
-N --network (Independent hardware iSCSI only)
-s <subnet_mask> <adapter_name>
--subnetmask <subnet_mask> <adapter_name>
Sets the HBA network mask to subnet_mask.
-N --network (Independent hardware iSCSI only)
-g <default_gateway> <adapter_name>
--gateway <default_gateway> <adapter_name>
Sets the HBA gateway to default_gateway.
-N --network (Independent hardware iSCSI only)
-i <ip_addr> -s <subnet mask>
   -g <default_gateway> <adapter_name>
--ip <ip_addr> --subnetmask <subnet_mask>
   --gateway <default_gateway> <adapter_name>
Sets the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway in one command.
-p --pnp (Independent hardware iSCSI only)
-l <adapter_name>
--list <adapter_name>
Lists physical network portal options.
-p --pnp (Independent hardware iSCSI only)
-M <mtu_size> <adapter_name>
--mtu <mtu-size> <adapter_name>
Sets physical network portal options.
-I --iscsiname
-a <alias_name> <adapter_name>
--alias <alias_name> <adapter_name>
Sets the iSCSI initiator alias.
-I --iscsiname
-n <iscsi_name> <adapter_name>
--name <iscsi_name> <adapter_name>
Sets the iSCSI initiator name.
-I --iscsiname
-l <adapter_name>
--list <adapter_name>
Lists iSCSI initiator options.
-M --mtu
-p -M <mtu_size> <adapter_name>
--pnp - -mtu <mtu-size> <adapter_name>
Sets MTU size. Used with the --pnp option.
-S --static
-l <adapter_name>
--list <adapter_name>
Lists static discovery addresses.
-S --static
-r -i <stor_ip_addr|stor_hostname> [:<portnum>] -n <target_name> <adapter_name>
--remove - -ip <stor_ip_addr|stor_hostname> [:<portnum>] -name <target_name> <adapter_name>
Removes a static discovery address.
-S --static
-a -i <stor_ip_addr|stor_hostname> [:<portnum>]
   -n <target_name> <adapter_name>
--add --ip <stor_ip_addr|stor_hostname> [:<portnum>]
   -name <target_name> <adapter_name>
Adds a static discovery address.
-P --phba
-l <adapter_name>
--list <adapter_name>
Lists external, vendor-specific properties of an iSCSI adapter.
-T --target
-l <adapter_name>
--list <adapter_name>
Lists target information.
-W --parameter
-l [-i <stor_ip_addr|stor_hostname> [:<portnum>]
   [-n <iscsi_name]] <adapter_name>
--list [--ip <stor_ip_addr|stor_hostname> [:<portnum>]
   [--name <iscsi_name]] <adapter_name>
Lists iSCSI parameter information.
-W --parameter
-l -k [-i <stor_ip_addr|stor_hostname> [:<portnum>] [-n <iscsi_name]] <adapter_name>
--list --detail
[--ip <stor_ip_addr|stor_hostname> [:<portnum>] [--name <iscsi_name]] <adapter_name>
Lists iSCSI parameter details.
-W --parameter
-W -j <name>=<value>
-i <stor_ip_addr|stor_hostname> [:port_num>] [-n <iscsi_name>]] <adapter_name>
--parameter - -set <name>=<value>
--ip <stor_ip_addr|stor_hostname> [:port_num>]
   [--name <iscsi_name>]] <adapter_name>
Sets iSCSI parameters.
-W --parameter
-W - o <param_name>
-i <stor_ip_addr|stor_hostname> [:port_num>] [-n <iscsi_name>]] <adapter_name>
-parameter --reset <param_name>
-ip <stor_ip_addr|stor_hostname> [:port_num>] [-name <iscsi_name>]] <adapter_name>
Returns parameters in discovery target or send target to default inheritance behavior.
-z --reset_auth
-a -z
-m <auth_method> -b
[-i <stor_ip_addr|stor_hostname> [:<portnum>] [-n <iscsi_name>]]
--authentication --reset_auth
--method <auth_method>
[--ip <stor_ip_addr|stor_hostname> [:<portnum>]
[--name <iscsi_name>]] <adapter_name>
Resets target level authentication properties to be inherited from adapter level. Used with the --authentication option.