You can list and set iSCSI parameters for software iSCSI and for dependent hardware iSCSI by using ESXCLI or vicfg-iscsi. What to read next Listing and Setting iSCSI Parameters with ESXCLIYou can list and set iSCSI parameters for software iSCSI and for dependent hardware iSCSI by using ESXCLI. Returning Parameters to Default Inheritance with ESXCLIThe values of iSCSI parameters associated with a dynamic discovery address or a static discovery target are inherited from the corresponding settings of the parent. Listing and Setting iSCSI Parameters with vicfg-iscsiYou can list and set iSCSI parameters by running vicfg-iscsi -W. Returning Parameters to Default Inheritance with vicfg-iscsiThe values of iSCSI parameters associated with a dynamic discovery address or a static discovery target are inherited from the corresponding settings of the parent. Parent topic: Managing iSCSI Storage