You can add and delete virtual switches with ESXCLI and with vicfg-vswitch. What to read next Adding and Deleting Virtual Switches with ESXCLIYou can add and delete virtual switches by using the esxcli network vswitch standard namespace. Adding and Deleting Virtual Switches with vicfg-vswitchYou can add and delete virtual switches by using the --add|-a and --delete|-d options. Setting Switch Attributes with ESXCLIYou can set the maximum transmission unit (MTU) and CDP status for a virtual switch. The CDP status shows which Cisco switch port is connected to which uplink. Setting Switch Attributes with vicfg-vswitchYou can set the maximum transmission unit (MTU) and CDP status for a virtual switch. The CDP status shows which Cisco switch port is connected to which uplink. Parent topic: Setting Up vSphere Networking with vSphere Standard Switches