You can use the esxcli iscsi adapter auth commands to enable iSCSI authentication.

For information on iSCSI CHAP, see Setting iSCSI CHAP.


  1. (Optional) Set the authentication information for CHAP.
    esxcli <conn_options> iscsi adapter auth chap set --direction=uni --chap_username=<name> --chap_password=<pwd> --level=[prohibited, discouraged, preferred, required] --secret=<string> --adapter=<adapter_name>
    You can set per-target CHAP for static targets, per-adapter CHAP, or apply the command to the discovery address.
    Option Command
    Per-adapter CHAP
    esxcli iscsi adapter auth chap set
    Per-discovery CHAP
    esxcli iscsi adapter discovery sendtarget auth chap set
    Per-target CHAP
    esxcli iscsi adapter target portal auth chap set
    The following example sets adapter-level CHAP.
    esxcli <conn_options> iscsi adapter auth chap set --direction=uni --chap_username=User1 --chap_password=MySpecialPwd --level=preferred --secret=uni_secret --adapter=vmhba33
  2. (Optional) Set the authentication information for mutual CHAP by running esxcli iscsi adapter auth chap set again with the -d option set to mutual option and a different authentication user name and secret.
    esxcli <conn_options> iscsi adapter auth chap set --direction=mutual --mchap_username=<m_name> --mchap_password=<m_pwd> --level=[prohibited, required] --secret=<string> --adapter=<adapter_name>
    For <level>, specify prohibited or required.
    Option Description
    prohibited The host does not use CHAP authentication. If authentication is enabled, specify chapProhibited to disable it.
    required The host requires successful CHAP authentication. The connection fails if CHAP negotiation fails. You can set this value for mutual CHAP only if CHAP is set to chapRequired.
    For direction, specify mutual.
    Important: You are responsible for making sure that CHAP is set before you set mutual CHAP, and for using compatible levels for CHAP and mutual CHAP. Use a different secret in CHAP and mutual CHAP.