After you redirect the direct console to a serial port, you can make that setting part of the host profile that persists when you reprovision the host with Auto Deploy.


The serial port must not already be in use for serial logging and debugging.


  1. From the , connect to the vCenter Server.
  2. Select the host in the inventory.
  3. Under System, select Advanced System Settings.
  4. Make sure that the VMkernel.Boot.logPort and VMkernel.Boot.gdbPort fields are not set to use the com port that you want to redirect the direct console to.
  5. Set VMkernel.Boot.tty2Port to the serial port to redirect the direct console to: com1 or com2.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Save the host profile and attach the host to the profile. See the vSphere Host Profiles documentation.


The setting to redirect the direct console to a serial port is stored by vCenter Server and persists when you reprovision the host with Auto Deploy.