You can use command arguments to set the execution parameters of the domain-repoint command.

The cmsso-util domain-repoint CLI repoints vCenter Server from one domain to another.

You can add a space-separated list of arguments to the CLI repoint command

Use the following command to repoint a vCenter Server to another vCenter Server node:
cmsso-util domain-repoint -m execute --src-emb-admin Administrator --replication-partner-fqdn FQDN _of_destination_node --replication-partner-admin destination_node_PSC_Admin_user_name --dest-domain-name destination_PSC_domain
Argument Description
-m, --mode mode can be pre-check or execute. The pre-check argument runs the command in pre-check mode. The execute argument runs the command in execute mode.
-spa, --src-psc-admin SSO administrator user name for the source vCenter Server. Do not append the @domain.
-dpf, --dest-psc-fqdn The FQDN of the vCenter Server to repoint.
-dpa, --dest-psc-admin SSO administrator user name for the destination vCenter Server. Do not append @domain.
-ddn, --dest-domain-name SSO domain name of the destination vCenter Server.
-dpr, --dest-psc-rhttps (Optional) HTTPS port for the destination vCenter Server. If not set, the default 443 is used.
-dvf, --dest-vc-fqdn The FQDN of the vCenter Server pointing to a destination vCenter Server. The vCenter Server is used to check for component data conflicts in the pre-check mode. If not provided, conflict checks are skipped and the default resolution (COPY) is applied for any conflicts found during the import process.
Note: This argument is optional only if the destination domain does not have a vCenter Server. If a vCenter Server exists in the destination domain, this argument is mandatory.
-sea, --src-emb-admin Administrator for the vCenter Server with embedded vCenter Server. Do not append @domain to the administrator id.
-rpf, --replication-partner-fqdn (Optional) The FQDN of the replication partner node to which the vCenter Server is replicated.
-rpr, --replication-partner-rhttps (Optional) The HTTPS port for the replication node. If not set, the default is 443.
-rpa, --replication-partner-admin (Optional) SSO administrator user name of the replication partner vCenter Server.
-dvr, --dest-vc-rhttps (Optional) The HTTPS port for the vCenter Server pointing to the destination vCenter Server. If not set, the default 443 is used.
--ignore-snapshot (Optional) Ignore snapshot warnings.
--no-check-certs (Optional) Ignore certification validations.
--debug (Optional) Retrieves command execution detail.
-h, --help (Optional) Displays the help message for the cmsso-util domain repoint command.