You can use the software-packages utility to install the staged patches. You can also use the software-packages utility to install patches directly from an attached ISO image or repository URL without staging the patch payload.

Important: The services running in the appliance become unavailable during the installation of the patches. You must perform this procedure during a maintenance period. As a precaution in case of failure, you can back up the vCenter Server appliance. For information about backing up and restoring vCenter Server, see vCenter Server Installation and Setup.


  • If you are installing staged patches, verify that you staged the correct patch payload. See Stage Patches to the vCenter Server Appliance.
  • If you are installing patches that you previously staged from an ISO image, verify that the ISO image is attached to the CD/DVD drive of the vCenter Server appliance. See Stage Patches to the vCenter Server Appliance.
  • If you are installing patches directly from an ISO image that you previously downloaded from, you must attach the ISO image to the CD/DVD drive of the vCenter Server Appliance. You can configure the ISO image as a datastore ISO file for the CD/DVD drive of the appliance by using the vSphere Client. See vSphere Virtual Machine Administration.
  • If you are installing patches directly from a repository, verify that you have configured the repository settings and that the current repository URL is accessible. See Configure URL-Based Patching.
  • Create an image-based backup and take a powered-off snapshot of the vCenter Server Appliance you are patching as a precaution in case there is a failure during the patching process.


  1. Access the appliance shell and log in as a user who has a super administrator role.
    The default user with a super administrator role is root.
  2. Install the patches.
    • To install staged patches, run the following command:
      software-packages install --staged
    • To install patches directly from an attached ISO image, run the following command:
      software-packages install --iso
    • To install patches directly from the current repository URL, run the following command:
      software-packages install --url

      By default the current repository URL is the default VMware repository URL.

    • To install patches directly from a repository URL that is not currently configured, run the following command:
      software-packages install --url URL_of_the_repository
    If you want to directly accept the End User License Agreement, use the --acceptEulas option.
    For example, to install patches from the current repository URL without staging the patches with directly accepting the End User License Agreement, run the following command:
    software-packages install --url --acceptEulas
  3. If the patch installation requires a reboot of the appliance, run the following command to reset the appliance.
    shutdown now -r "patch reboot"