When you generate a pre-remediation check report, vSphere Lifecycle Manager generates a list with actions that you must perform to ensure successful remediation of the hosts in your cluster.
The remediation pre-check report contains information about issues at the cluster, host, and VM level that might prevent the completion of remediation.
For information about the possible issues that might prevent successful remediation, see Remediation Pre-Check Report.Procedure
The Remediation Pre-check dialog box lists the issues with cluster, hosts, and virtual machines that might prevent successful remediation of the selected object.
In the upper pane of the Remediation Pre-check dialog box, you see a list of issues at a cluster level.
In the bottom pane of the Remediation Pre-check dialog box, you see a list of issues at the host and virtual machine level.
What to do next
Fix all issues that vSphere Lifecycle Manager identifies during the pre-remediation check and remediate the selected object.