You create a vSphere Lifecycle Manager cluster that uses a single image by setting up the desired image during the creation of the cluster. When you choose to set up the image manually instead of importing it from a host, you must have the necessary software available in the vSphere Lifecycle Manager depot.

When you set up an image manually, you must specify the ESXi version for the image and, optionally, a vendor add-on. After the cluster creation is complete, you can further customize the image. For example, you can add components to the image. You can also configure a hardware support manager and add a firmware and drivers add-on to the image.


  • Review the requirements for using a single image in System Requirements for Using vSphere Lifecycle Manager.
  • Verify that the hosts are of ESXi version 7.0 or later.
  • Verify that a data center exists in the vCenter Server inventory.
  • Verify that you have an ESXi image available in the vSphere Lifecycle Manager depot.


  1. In the vSphere Client, navigate to the Hosts and Clusters inventory.
  2. Right-click a data center and select New Cluster.
    The New Cluster wizard opens.
  3. On the Basics page, enter a name for the cluster and enable vSphere DRS, vSphere HA, or vSAN.
  4. Select the Manage all hosts in the cluster with a single image option.
  5. Select the Compose a new image radio button and click Next.
  6. On the Image page, set up the desired image and click Next.
    1. Select an ESXi version.
    2. (Optional) Select a vendor add-on and the version of the add-on.
  7. On the Review page, review your selections and the image setup.
  8. Click Finish to finish the creation of the cluster.


A cluster that uses a single image appears in the vCenter Server inventory. You can view and customize the cluster image on the Updates tab for the cluster.

What to do next

Add hosts to the cluster.