If your deployment system is connected to the Internet, you can configure vSphere Lifecycle Manager to directly download ESXi images, vendor add-ons, and other components from the configured online depots to the local vSphere Lifecycle Manager depot.

The Internet is the default download source for vSphere Lifecycle Manager. Downloading takes place at configurable regular intervals. To initiate downloading of updates regardless of the download schedule, see Synchronize the vSphere Lifecycle Manager Depot.


Required privileges: VMware vSphere Lifecycle Manager.Configure


  1. Navigate to the vSphere Lifecycle Manager home view.
    1. In the vSphere Client, select Menu > Lifecycle Manager.
    2. Select a vCenter Server system from the Lifecycle Manager drop-down menu.
      The drop-down menu is available only when multiple vCenter Server systems are connected by a common vCenter Single Sign-On domain. By selecting a vCenter Server system, you specify which vSphere Lifecycle Manager instance you want to administer.
  2. On the Settings tab, select Administration > Patch Setup.
  3. Click the Change Download Source button.
    The Change Download Source Type dialog box opens.
  4. Select the Download patches directly from the Internet option and click Save.