You can use the vSphere Client to view and browse the contents of the vSphere Lifecycle Manager depot.

You can view the vSphere Lifecycle Manager depot in the vSphere Lifecycle Manager home view. The contents of the vSphere Lifecycle Manager depot are displayed on three different tabs: Image Depot, Updates, and Imported ISOs.

Image Depot

On the Image Depot tab, you can view all VMware base images, vendor add-ons, and components that are available in the vSphere Lifecycle Manager depot.

You can use the ESXi Versions, Vendor Addons, and Component links at the top of the pane for easier navigation through the lists.

The ESXi Versions list contains all base images available in the depot together with information about the version, release date, and category for each image. When you select an image from the list, an information panel appears on the right. The panel displays a list of all components that the base image applies to a host upon remediation.

The Vendor Addons list contains all vendor addons available in the depot together with information about the version, release date, and category for each addon. When you select an add-on from the list, an information panel appears on the right. The panel displays information about the components that the add-on applies to the host and the components that the add-on removes from a host upon remediation.

The Component list contains all components that are available in the depot together with information about the version, release date, and category for each component. When you select a component from the list, an information panel appears on the right. The panel displays information about the VIBs that the component contains.

You can filter the Component list so that it displays only independent components or all components available in the vSphere Lifecycle Manager depot. Independent components are components that are not part of a vendor add-on.

You use the ESXi images, vendor add-ons, and components visible on the Image Depot tab to set up images that you can use to manage hosts in clusters collectively.


On the Updates tab, you can see all components available in the vSphere Lifecycle Manager depot as bulletins. You can use the Filter by Baseline drop-down menu to view only the bulletins that are part of a particular baseline.

When you select a bulletin from the list, additional information appears below the bulletins list. In the bottom pane, you see information about the baselines that include the selected bulletin.

You use the bulletins visible on the Updates tab to create baselines and baseline groups.

Because in vSphere 7.0 the official VMware depot hosts certified partner content in addition to VMware content, the Updates tab displays a broader set of OEM bulletins, for example vendor add-ons and VMware-certified device drivers. Some of these bulletins might have dependencies that must be pulled into the baselines that you create, so that the remediation against those baselines is successful. As a best practice, always consult the KB article for an individual bulletin to find information about its deployment specfics and reqired dependencies before including the bulletin in your baselines. For more information about the official VMware depot and other types of depots, see vSphere Lifecycle Manager Download Sources.

Starting with vSphere 7.0, some changes are also introduced in the way VMware content is packaged. As a result, you might see additional bulletins on the Updates tab at patch and update releases. Those bulletins are usually of the Enhancement or BugFix category. When you include those bulletins in a baseline, you might need to also include a base ESXi bulletins in that baseline. As a best practice, to ensure successful application of patches and updates, always include the appropriate rollup bulletin into your baselines. You can use the Show only rollup updates toggle switch that is on the Updates tab to filter the list of bulletins.

Imported ISOs

On the Imported ISOs tab, you can see the ISO images that you import and make available to vSphere Lifecycle Manager.

You use the ISO images visible on the Imported ISOs tab to create upgrade baselines. You cannot use an ISO image for clusters configured to use a single vSphere Lifecycle Manager image.

Note: ISO images are not distributed through any online or offline depot, they are a separate software distribution format. As a result, they cannot become available in the vSphere Lifecycle Manager depot through synchronization or the regular import operation that you perform to import offline bundles (ZIP files) to the depot. To make an ISO image available to vSphere Lifecycle Manager, you must trigger the Import ISO operation. For more information, see Import an ISO Image to the vSphere Lifecycle Manager Depot