A fixed baseline is a set of patches that does not change as patch availability in the depot changes.


Required privileges: VMware vSphere Lifecycle Manager.Manage Baselines


  1. Navigate to the vSphere Lifecycle Manager home view.
    1. In the vSphere Client, select Menu > Lifecycle Manager.
    2. Select a vCenter Server system from the Lifecycle Manager drop-down menu.
      The drop-down menu is available only when multiple vCenter Server systems are connected by a common vCenter Single Sign-On domain. By selecting a vCenter Server system, you specify which vSphere Lifecycle Manager instance you want to administer.
  2. On the Baselines tab, select New > Baseline.
    The Create Baseline wizard opens.
  3. On the Name and Description page, enter information about the baseline and click Next.
    1. Enter a name and, optionally, a description for the baseline.
    2. Select the Upgrade, Patch, or Extension radio button.
  4. On the Select Patches Automatically page, stop the automatic updates by deselecting the respective check box and click Next.
  5. On the Select Patches Manually page, select the patches that you want to include in the baseline and click Next.
    • To view only the rollup bulletins in the list, turn on the Show only rollup updates toggle swtich.
    • To filter the patches that are available in the vSphere Lifecycle Manager depot and find specific patches to include in the baseline, use the filter icon next to each column header. If you use several criteria to filter the patches, the relationship between those filter criteria is defined by the Boolean operator AND.
  6. On the Summary page, review your selections and click Finish.


The new baseline appears in the baselines list on the Baselines tab.You can attach the baseline to a data center, a cluster, or a host.