To ensure that cluster health is optimal and that no problems occur during the remediation of the cluster against a single image, you can perform a remediation pre-check.

The remediation pre-check operation includes a series of checks for the cluster and for each host in the cluster. These checks include extensive health checks to determine whether the cluster is in a stable state and to ensure successful remediation. Also, the remediation pre-check triggers a compliance check for the cluster. As a result, after the remediation pre-check, you can view compliance information for each host and whether host reboot or maintenance mode are necessary for successful remediation.

For vSAN clusters, the remediation pre-check operation includes a hardware compatibility check. Depending on how you configure the vSphere Lifecycle Manager remediation settings, vSphere Lifecycle Manager might prevent remediation if hardware compatibility issues exist.

For information about configuring the global vSphere Lifecycle Manager remediation settings, see Configure Remediation Settings for vSphere Lifecycle Manager Images. For information about configuring the remediation settings for a particular cluster, seeEdit the Remediation Settings for a Cluster.


Verify that you have the proper privileges. See vSphere Lifecycle Manager Privileges For Using Images.


  1. In the vSphere Client, navigate to a cluster that you manage with a single image.
  2. On the Updates tab, select Hosts > Image.
  3. In the Image Compliance card, click the Run pre-check button.
    You can observe the progress of the pre-check task. When the task finishes, vSphere Lifecycle Manager displays information about the issues found during the pre-check.

What to do next

If vSphere Lifecycle Manager reports no issues, remediate the cluster. See Remediate a Cluster Against a Single Image.

If issues are reported, resolve the issues before you remediate the cluster.