When you remediate a single host against the image for the cluster, vSphere Lifecycle Manager applies the image to that host only. Remediation is the operation that makes a non-compliant host in the cluster compliant with the image that you use for that cluster.


Verify that you have the proper privileges. See vSphere Lifecycle Manager Privileges For Using Images.


  1. In the vSphere Client, navigate to a cluster that you manage with a single image.
  2. On the Updates tab, select Hosts > Image.
  3. In the Image Compliance card, click the vertical ellipsis icon for a host and select Remediate.
    The Review Remediation Impact dialog box appears. The dialog box contains detailed information about all changes that remediation will enforce on the host.
  4. Review the impact summary, the applicable remediation settings, and the EULA.
  5. To save and review the impact details later, click Export Impact Details
  6. Accept the EULA by selecting respective check box.
    The check box is selected by default.
  7. Click the Start remediation button.
    The Remediate Cluster task appears in the Recent Tasks pane. You can also observe the progress of the remediation task in the Image Compliance card. If remediation fails, vSphere Lifecycle Manager gives information about the reasons for the failure.