With Dynamic Discovery, each time the initiator contacts a particular iSCSI storage system, the initiator sends the SendTargets request to the iSCSI system. The iSCSI system responds by supplying a list of available targets to the initiator.

When you set up Dynamic Discovery, you can only add a new iSCSI system. You cannot change the IP address, DNS name, or port number of an existing iSCSI system. To modify the parameters, delete the existing system and add a new one.


Required privilege: Host.Configuration.Storage Partition Configuration


  1. Click Storage in the VMware Host Client inventory, click Adapters, and click Configure iSCSI.
  2. Click Add dynamic target.
    The new dynamic target appears in the list.
  3. To add an address for the new dynamic target, click the target in the list and enter the address .
  4. (Optional) To change the port number of the new dynamic target, click the target Port text box and enter the new port number.
  5. (Optional) To edit the dynamic target settings, select the new target from the list of available targets, click Edit settings, configure the parameters that you want to change, and click Save.
  6. (Optional) To delete a specific target, select the target and click Remove dynamic target.
    The target no longer appears in the list of existing dynamic targets.
  7. Click Save configuration.