You can change the DNS and default gateway configuration of a TCP/IP stack on a host. You can also change the congestion control algorithm, the maximum number of connections, and the name of custom TCP/IP stacks.


  1. Click Networking in the VMware Host Client inventory and click TCP/IP stacks.
  2. Right-click a stack from the list and select Edit settings.
    The Edit TCP/IP configuration - Provisioning stack dialog box opens.
  3. Specify how the host obtains settings for this TCP/IP stack.
    • Select the Use DHCP services from the following adapter radio button, and select an adapter from which to receive the default settings configuration for the TCP/IP stack.
    • Select the Manually configure the settings for this TCP/IP stack to change the settings configuration.
    Option Description
    Basic configuration
    Host name
    Edit the name of your local host.
    Domain name
    Edit the domain name.
    Primary DNS server
    Enter a preferred DNS server IP address.
    Secondary DNS server
    Type an alternate DNS server IP address.
    Search domains
    Specify DNS suffixes to use in DNS search when resolving unqualified domain names.

    Edit the IPv4 and IPv6 gateway information.

    Note: Removing the default gateway might cause you to lose your connection to the host.
    Advanced Settings

    Edit the congestion control algorithm and the maximum number of connections.

  4. Click Save.