You can confirm the compliance of a host or cluster to its attached host profile and determine which, if any, configuration parameters on a host are different from those specified in the host profile.


  1. Navigate to Host Profiles main view.
  2. Right click a host profile.
  3. Click Check Host Profile Compliance.


The compliance status is updated as Compliant, Unknown, or Non-compliant.

A non-compliant status indicates a discovered and specific inconsistency between the profile and the host. To resolve this, you should remediate the host. Any unknown status indicates that the compliance of the host cannot be verified; to resolve the issue, remediate the host through the host profile. Often the compliance check fails because the host is disconnected.

Note: Host profiles do not capture offline or unpresented devices. Any changes made to offline devices after extracting a host profile do not make a difference to the compliance check results.

What to do next

To see more detail on compliance failures, select a host profile from the Host Profiles main view for which the last compliance check produced one or more failures. To see specific detail on which parameters differ between the host that failed compliance and the host profile, click the Monitor tab and select the Compliance view. Then select the failing host. The differing parameters are displayed in the Compliance window, below the host list.