You can view events associated with a single object or view all vSphere events. The events list for a selected inventory object includes events associated with child objects. vSphere keeps information about tasks and events for a specified time period. You can configure this time period. By default, this period is set to 30 days.


  1. Select an inventory object in the vSphere Client.
  2. Click the Monitor tab, and click Events.
  3. Click the expand row icon in each row to view the details for the corresponding event. You can expand multiple rows simultaneously.
  4. (Optional) Click the new tab icon at the top right corner of the datagrid to open the events view in a new tab.
    When you open the new tab from Entity > Monitor > Events menu, the name of the entity is displayed next to the title in the new tab. Click REFRESH at the top right of the datagrid in the new tab to refresh the events in the current page.
  5. (Optional) The Triggering Event column in the Alarms tab of bottom panel adjacent to Recent Tasks tab displays "object-name: alarm-name". You can click on the hyperlink text to navigate to a particular object's events view. All the event details related to the selected alarm gets displayed. You can click on the BACK TO ALL EVENTS button to return to the default event-list view.

    For the alarms, that do not have any underneath event, a plain text is used.