To set a static MAC address for a virtual machine, you can edit the configuration file of the virtual machine by using the vSphere Client.


  1. Locate the virtual machine in the vSphere Client.
    1. Select a data center, folder, cluster, resource pool, or host and click the VMs tab.
    2. Click Virtual Machines and click the virtual machine from the list.
  2. Power off the virtual machine.
  3. From the Actions drop-down menu, select Edit Settings.
  4. Select the VM Options tab and expand Advanced.
  5. Click Edit Configuration.
  6. To assign a static MAC address, add or edit parameters as required.
    Parameter Value
    ethernetX.addressType static
    ethernetX.address MAC_address_of_the_virtual_NIC

    X next to ethernet stands for the sequence number of the virtual NIC in the virtual machine.

    For example, 0 in ethernet0 represents the settings of the first virtual NIC device added to the virtual machine.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Power on the virtual machine.