Remove hosts from a vSphere distributed switch if you have configured a different switch for the hosts.


  • Verify that physical NICs on the target hosts are migrated to a different switch.
  • Verify that VMkernel adapters on the hosts are migrated to a different switch.
  • Verify that virtual machine network adapters are migrated to a different switch.

For details about migrating network adapters to different switches, see Tasks for Managing Host Networking on a vSphere Distributed Switch


  1. On the vSphere Client Home page, click Networking and navigate to the distributed switch.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Add and Manage Hosts.
  3. On the Select task page, select Remove hosts and click Next.
  4. To remove an individual host from the distributed switch, select the host.
  5. To remove all the hosts from the distributed switch, click Select All.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Click Finish.