If you follow best practices, your ESXi and vCenter Server can be as secure as or even more secure than an environment that does not include virtualization.

This manual includes best practices for the different components of your vSphere infrastructure.

Table 1. Security Best Practices
vSphere component Resource
ESXi host Securing ESXi Hosts
vCenter Server system vCenter Server Security Best Practices
Virtual machine Virtual Machine Security Best Practices
vSphere Networking vSphere Networking Security Best Practices

This manual is only one of the sources you must use to ensure a secure environment.

VMware security resources, including security alerts and downloads, are available on the Web.

Table 2. VMware Security Resources on the Web
Topic Resource
Information on ESXi and vCenter Server security and operations, including secure configuration and hypervisor security. https://core.vmware.com/security
VMware security policy, up-to-date security alerts, security downloads, and focus discussions of security topics. http://www.vmware.com/go/security
Corporate security response policy http://www.vmware.com/support/policies/security_response.html

VMware is committed to helping you maintain a secure environment. Security issues are corrected in a timely manner. The VMware Security Response Policy states our commitment to resolve possible vulnerabilities in our products.

Third-party software support policy http://www.vmware.com/support/policies/

VMware supports a variety of storage systems, software agents such as backup agents, system management agents, and so forth. You can find lists of agents, tools, and other software that supports ESXi by searching http://www.vmware.com/vmtn/resources/ for ESXi compatibility guides.

The industry offers more products and configurations than VMware can test. If VMware does not list a product or configuration in a compatibility guide, Technical Support attempts to help you with any problems, but cannot guarantee that the product or configuration can be used. Always evaluate security risks for unsupported products or configurations carefully.

Compliance and security standards, and partner solutions and in-depth content about virtualization and compliance https://core.vmware.com/compliance
Information on security certifications and validations such as CCEVS and FIPS for different versions of the components of vSphere. https://www.vmware.com/support/support-resources/certifications.html
Security configuration guides (formerly known as hardening guides) for different versions of vSphere and other VMware products. https://core.vmware.com/security
Security of the VMware vSphere Hypervisor white paper http://www.vmware.com/files/pdf/techpaper/vmw-wp-secrty-vsphr-hyprvsr-uslet-101.pdf