Virtual machine service configuration privileges control who can perform monitoring and management tasks on the service configuration.

You can set this privilege at different levels in the hierarchy. For example, if you set a privilege at the folder level, you can propagate the privilege to one or more objects within the folder. The object listed in the Required On column must have the privilege set, either directly or inherited.

Table 1. Virtual Machine Service Configuration Privileges
Privilege Name Description
Virtual Machine.Service configuration.Allow notifications Allows generating and consuming notification about service status.
Virtual Machine.Service configuration.Allow polling of global event notifications Allows querying whether any notifications are present.
Virtual Machine.Service configuration.Manage service configurations Allows creating, modifying, and deleting virtual machine services.
Virtual Machine.Service configuration.Modify service configuration Allows modification of existing virtual machine service configuration.
Virtual Machine.Service configuration.Query service configurations Allows retrieval of list of virtual machine services.
Virtual Machine.Service configuration.Read service configuration Allows retrieval of existing virtual machine service configuration.