For the Trusted Cluster to connect to the vSphere Trust Authority Cluster, you must export the Trust Authority Cluster's service information in the form of a file then import that file to the Trusted Cluster. You must ensure to keep this file confidential and transport it securely.

If you are following these tasks in order, you are still connected to the vCenter Server of the Trust Authority Cluster.

Note: Store the exported service information file in a secure location, in case you must restore the vSphere Trust Authority configuration.



  1. Ensure that you are connected to the vCenter Server of the Trust Authority Cluster. For example, you can enter $global:defaultviservers to show all the connected servers.
  2. (Optional) If necessary, you can run the following commands to ensure that you are connected to the vCenter Server of the Trust Authority Cluster.
    Disconnect-VIServer -server * -Confirm:$false
    Connect-VIServer -server TrustAuthorityCluster_VC_ip_address -User trust_admin_user -Password 'password'
  3. To export the Trust Authority Cluster's Attestation Service and Key Provider Service information, run the Export-TrustAuthorityServicesInfo cmdlet.
    For example, this command exports the service information to the clsettings.json file. If you are following these tasks in order, you previously assigned the Get-TrustAuthorityCluster information to a variable (for example, $vTA = Get-TrustAuthorityCluster 'vTA Cluster').
    Export-TrustAuthorityServicesInfo -TrustAuthorityCluster $vTA -FilePath C:\vta\clsettings.json
    The file is created.


A file containing the Trust Authority Cluster information is created.

Example: Export the Trust Authority Cluster Information

This example shows how to use PowerCLI to export the Trust Authority Cluster service information. The following table shows the example components and values that are used.

Table 1. Example vSphere Trust Authority Setup
Component Value
Variable $vTA Get-TrustAuthorityCluster 'vTA Cluster'
vCenter Server for Trust Authority Cluster
Trust Authority administrator [email protected]
PS C:\Users\Administrator.CORP> Disconnect-VIServer -server * -Confirm:$false
PS C:\Users\Administrator.CORP> Connect-VIServer -server -User [email protected] -Password 'VMware1!'

PS C:\Users\Administrator.CORP> Export-TrustAuthorityServicesInfo -TrustAuthorityCluster $vTA -FilePath C:\vta\clsettings.json

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----       10/16/2019   9:59 PM           8177 clsettings.json

What to do next

Continue with Import the Trust Authority Cluster Information to the Trusted Hosts.