Trusted Infrastructure administrator privileges configure and manage a vSphere Trust Authority deployment.

These privileges determine who can perform configuration and management tasks for a vSphere Trust Authority deployment. See Prerequisites and Required Privileges for vSphere Trust Authority for more information about the Trust Authority roles and the TrustedAdmins group.

Table 1. Trusted Infrastructure Administrator Privileges
Privilege Name Description Required On
Trusted Infrastructure administrator.Configure Key Server Trust

Allows managing the Key Providers of the Key Provider Service.

Root vCenter Server

Trusted Infrastructure administrator.Configure Trust Authority Host TPM certificates

Allows creation and modification of the Attestation Service settings.

Root vCenter Server

Trusted Infrastructure administrator.Configure Trust Authority Host metadata

Allows editing the base images to be attested by the Attestation Service.

Root vCenter Server

Trusted Infrastructure administrator.Configure attesting SSO

Allows editing which hosts can be trusted by the Trust Authority Hosts.

Root vCenter Server

Trusted Infrastructure administrator.Configure token conversion policy

Allows configuring the token conversion policy.

Root vCenter Server

Trusted Infrastructure administrator.List Trusted Infrastructure Hosts

Allows reading information regarding the Trusted Hosts and the Trust Authority Hosts.

Root vCenter Server

Trusted Infrastructure administrator.List information about the STS Allows exporting the Trusted Host details, so that they can be imported to the Trust Authority Cluster.

Root vCenter Server

Trusted Infrastructure administrator.Manage Trusted Infrastructure Hosts Allows editing the information regarding the Trusted Hosts and the Trust Authority Hosts.

Root vCenter Server

Trusted Infrastructure administrator.Read Key Server Trust Allows reading the Key Providers of the Key Provider Service.

Root vCenter Server

Trusted Infrastructure administrator.Read attesting SSO Allows reading which hosts can be trusted by the Trust Authority Hosts.

Root vCenter Server

Trusted Infrastructure administrator.Retrieve TPM Trust Authority Host certificates Allows reading the settings of the Attestation Service.

Root vCenter Server

Trusted Infrastructure administrator.Retrieve Trust Authority Host metadatata Allows reading which base images can be attested by the Attestation Service.

Root vCenter Server