You can use the vvol stats command in your ESXi host to track performance statistics.

The following command options are available.

Command Description Options
esxcli storage vvol stats get Get statistics for all VASA providers (default), or for specified namespace or entity in the given namespace. -e|--entity=str Enter entity ID.

-n|--namespace=str Enter node namespace expression.

-r|--raw Enable raw format output.

esxcli storage vvol stats list List all the statistics nodes (default), or nodes under a specified namespace. -n|--namespace=str Enter node namespace expression.
esxcli storage vvol stats enable Enable statistics tracking for the complete namespace.
esxcli storage vvol stats disable Disable statistics tracking for the complete namespace.
esxcli storage vvol stats add Enable statistics tracking for a specific entity under a specific namespace. -e|--entity=str Enter entity ID.

-n|--namespace=str Enter node namespace expression.

esxcli storage vvol stats remove Removes specific entity for statistics tracking under the specified namespace. -e|--entity=str Enter entity ID.

-n|--namespace=str Enter node namespace expression.

esxcli storage vvol stats reset Reset the statistics counter for the specified statistics namespace or entity. -e|--entity=str Enter entity ID.

-n|--namespace=str Enter node namespace expression.