With NFS 3 and NFS 4.1, ESXi supports the AUTH_SYS security. In addition, for NFS 4.1, the Kerberos security mechanism is supported.

NFS 3 supports the AUTH_SYS security mechanism. With this mechanism, storage traffic is transmitted in an unencrypted format across the LAN. Because of this limited security, use NFS storage on trusted networks only and isolate the traffic on separate physical switches. You can also use a private VLAN.

NFS 4.1 supports the Kerberos authentication protocol to secure communications with the NFS server. Nonroot users can access files when Kerberos is used. For more information, see Using Kerberos for NFS 4.1.

In addition to Kerberos, NFS 4.1 supports traditional non-Kerberos mounts with the AUTH_SYS security. In this case, use root access guidelines for NFS version 3.
Note: You cannot use two security mechanisms, AUTH_SYS and Kerberos, for the same NFS 4.1 datastore shared by multiple hosts.