To enable access to the appliance Bash shell by using the vSphere Client, the user you use to log in must be a member of the SystemConfiguration.BashShellAdministrators group. By default, this group is empty and you must add a user to the group manually.


Verify that the user you use to log in to the vCenter Server instance is a member of the SystemConfiguration.Administrators group in the vCenter Single Sign-On domain.


  1. Use the vSphere Client to log in as administrator@your_domain_name to the vCenter Server instance.
    The address is of the type http:// appliance-IP-address-or-FQDN/ui.
  2. From the vSphere Client menu, select Administration.
  3. Select Single Sign On > Users and Groups.
  4. Click on the Groups tab, select SystemConfiguration.BashShellAdministrators from the options available in the Group Name column.
  5. Click EDIT.
  6. In the Edit Group window, to add members, select the domain from the dropdown menu and then search for the required users.
  7. Click SAVE.