With the storage workflows, you can perform storage-related operations.

Workflow Name


Add datastore on iSCSI/FC/local SCSI

Creates a datastore on a Fibre Channel, iSCSI or local SCSI disk. Only disks that are not currently in use by an existing VMFS are applicable to new datastore creation. The new datastore allocates the maximum available space of the specified disk.

Add datastore on NFS

Adds a datastore on an NFS server.

Add iSCSI target

Adds iSCSI targets to a vCenter Server host. The targets can be of the type Send or Static.

Create VMFS for all available disks

Creates a VMFS volume for all available disks of a specified host.

Delete datastore

Deletes datastores from a vCenter Server host.

Delete iSCSI target

Deletes already configured iSCSI targets. The targets can be of type Send or Static.

Disable iSCSI adapter

Deactivates the software iSCSI adapter of a specified host.

Display all datastores and disks

Displays the existing datastores and available disks on a specified host.

Enable iSCSI adapter

Enables an iSCSI adapter.

List all storage adapters

Lists all storage adapters of a specified host.