To install a guest operating system and its applications on a new virtual machine, you can connect the CD/DVD device to an ISO file that is stored in a content library.


Verify that you have the Virtual machine .Interaction.Configure CD media privilege on the virtual machine.


  1. Right-click a virtual machine in the inventory and select Edit Settings.
  2. Expand CD/DVD drive and select Content Library ISO File from the drop-down menu.
    The Choose an ISO image to mount dialog box opens.
  3. Select the ISO file and click OK.
  4. (Optional) Select Connect At Power On to connect the device when the virtual machine powers on.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Power on the virtual machine and click the Summary tab.
  7. Expand the VM Hardware panel and from the drop-down menu next to the Connected icon, select to connect the CD/DVD drive to a content library ISO file.